Sunday, 8 April 2012

Smashing the Glass Ceiling

Some of you might have remember a little game called The Glasshouse, well since then I've been trying on and off to complete the game. I've always known whats happening and how it should end.

Well one quite night at work and about four hour's work and I have the plan for a complete game, and yes it does have multiple ending.

So for once I can post a real game update, so far I have the basic layout of the first floor (Level 0) up and running and some of the NPC's in place. Talking of which here are a couple of them.

And just to prove I can work on multiple projects at a time here's a few more images for Tiresias


  1. Ooooh!

    More Glass Ceiling! I love the way you're setting up your images! Great design!

  2. Absolutely excited to see you release some of this stuff you've been working on.


  3. Don't burn yourself out

  4. I love your game design, but it's always so disappointing to get to the "end". I'm going to wait on glass house, but I'm really looking forward to more Tiresias or UTBG.

  5. Nandi, super excited at your burst of development. I've been waiting to see what may come of Tiresias for years, and then you tease another project, too? Nice.
