Friday, 20 April 2012

Nandi are made out of rubber

There are some game creator who can meretriciously plan out every aspect of there game to the letter and know what to do and where they are. I'm not one of those people.

I bounce from project to project, picking thing up and down as inspiration takes me. To illustrate, and this a creative time for me, I'm bug fixing SUB Resort, putting the structure together for The Glasshouse, working out conversation trees and a rough plot breakdown for a secret project and a now and again putting together images for Tiresias. We're talking days or even hours here and there but hopefully they're eventually add up to something finished.

The flip side is that I can go months without creating anything, this normally is accompanied by feeling of guilt because people are patiently waiting for new content.

And the moral of this rambling is? Erm well that this blog will never be simply I've finished 20% of the NPC and 10% of the Plot. And just try to be patient and keep saying nice things about my work. It really does keep me going.

On other news I'm chuffed that every one of my little games is getting love, though I knew each has it's fans, and surprised just how many like Tiresias. Please keep voting and giving me feedback on what you like about the games, it helps me decide what to concentrate on when i don finally carry on working. Especially with Tiresias do people want a revamped version of the original or a complete ending as promised by the Cheerleader?


  1. I think both of those sound good with Tiresias, but a complete version with a true ending would be great :) It's one of the few games where you get to choose your fate to a high degree and that is one of my favorite features of it.

  2. An ending for Tiresias would be nice. Feel sad for Wilkins, was a pretty cool Adrift game, though judging by the votes, it wasn't as widely known.

  3. I do enjoy this secret project's quite nice to know there's another thing coming from the mind of Nandi!
