Saturday, 24 January 2015

I is three!

No Lie

So a new year and a new round of vague promises. Oh and a new home all of my own. Whilst I'll keep both updated for now my original site is doomed, doomed I tell you!

I hope to actually produce new content this year, even if it's from old ideas, and I've already got ideas floating around.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Not quite done yet

Sleep, such lovely sleep how I love you :).

I'm still surprised by how much people still seem interested in what I've done, even though I've done nothing new in about a year. But despite that I'm not quite ready to give on this completely, just waiting on thew muse and time to coincide with each other.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Can do better

It's a common thing but I have read something today that has left me disappointed. Something with so much potential just ended like that, as if the writer got bored with the whole thing and just ended.

Which is blegh!

So I'm considering something impossible creating something new! Early days so don't get any hopes up just yet.

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Still got it?

I've been busy doing other things and generally keeping busy but occasionally I think about this blog and I think "Am I still relvant?"

I mean Twine is king and RAGS is on the decline, and Twine isn't my style, and I've not really done anything for I don't know a year?

But then when I look I'm still getting 50-60 links a day and even if most of them are peek and run that can't be a bad thing right?

As usual no promises but I might start thinking about getting a few idea's started, though nothing to complex to start, in the next couple of months.

Monday, 23 June 2014

The Switch

In case you haven't noticed yet there a Kickstarter to fund a TG comedy called The Switch. I've already backed it and encourage you all to stump up a little cash.

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Twine has come?

I know one extreme or the other, what can I say I'm on a roll :).

Looking at the stuff coming out of TFGames it seems that the tide had turned and the more graphic intensive RAGS has given way to Twine. And in some way's I can't blame people to do a good RAGS game take a lot of effort to do well, whilst writing a CYOA is a lot easier and takes less effort outside the writing. They also share a lot of the same problems with every other games in that it still takes a lot of time and effort to do a good game.

Personally I like the slightly more complex style RAGS offers but I'm not oppossed to Twinw, in fact I might try to create one of my own some day.

So what do people think? What do people like or dislike about the various systems. And oh I've created a poll so people can pick there favorites.

Friday, 23 May 2014

I like this one, but I also like this...

I know a couple of post in so many days what is the world coming to :).

I've been going back over my older stuff as I try to clear out all the junk I've aculilated, with an eye to maybe fixing thing up. I've found that I've got a couple of version of the Examine for How to get Promoted so I was curious which do people prefer?

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