Saturday 7 February 2015

One of us!

So I finally took the plunge and converted and old game over to Twine Fallin' for Paradise (clean version).
Don't panic I'm not planning to abandon RAGS anytime soon, though I must admit I was impressed how much I could manage in an afternoon from virtually scratch.

Saturday 24 January 2015

I is three!

No Lie

So a new year and a new round of vague promises. Oh and a new home all of my own. Whilst I'll keep both updated for now my original site is doomed, doomed I tell you!

I hope to actually produce new content this year, even if it's from old ideas, and I've already got ideas floating around.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Not quite done yet

Sleep, such lovely sleep how I love you :).

I'm still surprised by how much people still seem interested in what I've done, even though I've done nothing new in about a year. But despite that I'm not quite ready to give on this completely, just waiting on thew muse and time to coincide with each other.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Can do better

It's a common thing but I have read something today that has left me disappointed. Something with so much potential just ended like that, as if the writer got bored with the whole thing and just ended.

Which is blegh!

So I'm considering something impossible creating something new! Early days so don't get any hopes up just yet.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Still got it?

I've been busy doing other things and generally keeping busy but occasionally I think about this blog and I think "Am I still relvant?"

I mean Twine is king and RAGS is on the decline, and Twine isn't my style, and I've not really done anything for I don't know a year?

But then when I look I'm still getting 50-60 links a day and even if most of them are peek and run that can't be a bad thing right?

As usual no promises but I might start thinking about getting a few idea's started, though nothing to complex to start, in the next couple of months.

Monday 23 June 2014

The Switch

In case you haven't noticed yet there a Kickstarter to fund a TG comedy called The Switch. I've already backed it and encourage you all to stump up a little cash.

Saturday 24 May 2014

Twine has come?

I know one extreme or the other, what can I say I'm on a roll :).

Looking at the stuff coming out of TFGames it seems that the tide had turned and the more graphic intensive RAGS has given way to Twine. And in some way's I can't blame people to do a good RAGS game take a lot of effort to do well, whilst writing a CYOA is a lot easier and takes less effort outside the writing. They also share a lot of the same problems with every other games in that it still takes a lot of time and effort to do a good game.

Personally I like the slightly more complex style RAGS offers but I'm not oppossed to Twinw, in fact I might try to create one of my own some day.

So what do people think? What do people like or dislike about the various systems. And oh I've created a poll so people can pick there favorites.

Friday 23 May 2014

I like this one, but I also like this...

I know a couple of post in so many days what is the world coming to :).

I've been going back over my older stuff as I try to clear out all the junk I've aculilated, with an eye to maybe fixing thing up. I've found that I've got a couple of version of the Examine for How to get Promoted so I was curious which do people prefer?

Enhanced by Zemanta

Friday 16 May 2014


The Internet is full of distractions.

Oh an yeah hi I'm still here :).

There are many, many thing I would like to do and creating games is still one of them so I'm going to try and restructure things my end to try and give me the time to properly work one my little projects.

Though I struggle against the feeling that the style of game I write are currently out of vogue, ironical html games are on the rise with apparently far less picture (which does make things difficult sometimes). Not that it's going to stop me writing the damn things, it's my rebellious streak :).

Monday 24 February 2014

Change of Investigator

Look cross post's :). I won't go over my initial pitch I put up on TF Games I figure most people here check out both here and there. If you missed it the basic idea is laid out here.

What I thinking is to reuse some images I created from another idea that never got off the ground so I thought that this might be our poor investigator final form.

Feel free to offer suggestions either here or TF Games.

Thursday 23 January 2014

I is two

Another year of me making vague promises and putting out a half finished games. So business as usual :).

So can I promise anything new, or anything finished. No.

Will I try to actually finish anything? Maybe

I'm afraid that's the best I can promise, but at least it honest. Right?

One thing I can tell you is that I'm not planning on working on UTBG any more. To much time has passed and the code, as pitiful as it is, is to much for me to spend any time rebuilding it.

That's the bad news.

The good news is that I'm planning to do some work on UTBG.

Admit it your confused :D.

The game in it's current form is no more, but I'm going to take the basic plot and ideas to create a new version of UTBG. So whilst the same character and events will happen they won't necessary be in the exact same form or order. I'm planing to structure it around a police investigation, with the player taking the place of the female cop investigating these strange claims. I'm still not sure if that character will be Rosa, or a similar character with a different name.

I've also got a secret, secret project that I'm going to take apart and put together in a slightly different form.

Like I said above no promises but you might even see something on one or more of them in the next couple of months.

Sunday 1 December 2013

Still Fallin'

I didn't mean to do an update for Fallin for Paradise, it just sorta happened. A few new graphic, a little tweeks of the text here and there, and oh yes a whole to new transformation end.

Still it's all done, well not complete but a long shot still in the same place, so please enjoy.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Welcome to the world of Tomorrow (Yesterday)

A day late and a dollar short but I'm finally taking to Twitter, I'm @NandiBearTG if your interested. I occasionally get the urge to express my idea, many that don't see fruition I must warn you, and Twitter seems the idea place to talk about these idea.

I've also got a Facebook account where I think I might start putting up images from idea that never have panned out for whatever reason.

Encourgae me there and you never know I might even start to think about finishing something...

Friday 8 November 2013

New Broom, old content

I've been playing around a little with the blog, along with adding a new Facebook and Twitter feed for little old me.

 Can't promise anything exciting or new, but I have them now anyway.


Sunday 21 July 2013

Grandfather's Game

And that's what I've done. Maintained it for 20 years. This old brooms had 17 new heads and 14 new handles in its time.”

First off thank you for all the kind words and comment’s over the last couple of months, well actually all of them since I started. I may not always reply but I make a point of reading them all, and it keep me going.

I have an idea, no wait really I do, of a new approach to UTBG. Whilst the basic’s of the game will remain the same I’m thinking about refocusing things to be roughly the same but play out differently.

So the question is what is the quintessential essence of UTBG? What can be cut out and what can be left in? What do you like about the game and would miss in it’s absence

There are also other games of mine which I thinking of approaching in the same way, but we’ll see how this pans out first.

Sunday 2 June 2013

Finish Something Damn It!

I don't make it easy do I?

I post maybe once every month or so with vague promises of thing's possibly carrying on, or sudden decisions for new material which never materializes. And the stuff that people seem to want the most, well why would I do anything about that?

And I'm quite aware that this sound like the beginning of a rant about either how I'm not putting the effort in or how you don't shower me with enough praise. But I can't and you know why.

Even with all that I'm got eleven followers and get daily visit figure in double figures! Now it might not mean something to many, but it's enough to keep me going even if I'm never working hard enough on things.

Not that a few extra comment's would go amiss every now and again...

Monday 8 April 2013


I’m currently doing a walkabout.

No don’t worry this isn’t the blog equivalent of a Dear John letter, nor am I about to Rage quit due to the lack of suitable comment’s (though more comment’s would be nice...). No it’s my name for something that I need to do every now and again. Basically I’ve stopped paying attention to all the site I tend to follow, deleting them off my system to resist temptation. And without me feeling the need to spend all my time checking all those sites I find myself with more time do other things. And lucky for all you lot one of those thing is to start writing games again.

And whilst I’ve been pottering around with several ideas, I’ve not forgotton about Hooker Street, I’ve spent a productive weekend writing and reorganizing thing for Fallin’ for Paradise. I’m putting everything in place for the second part of the game, refining the note I already had for the game. It’s also going to be a rather more racy game than I normally write, though I wouldn’t get your hope up my erotica is a little on the weakside. I thought you’d like a taster of what I’ve done so far, so here the same section as before, but with extra content added Fallin' for Paradise 0.3.

With the game being a little on the risque side I’ve added the Adult warning, though everything else will remain much the same.

Hopefully more soon.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Off Bimbo and Hooker Street

The one rule I always forget is that never, ever, give out release dates. Because however hard I try I never seem to meet them. Progress is taking place and I am finding new way's to so old things, but progress is slow. One thing I have decided on is if I don't produce anything new for Bimbo by the end of the year, it probably never going to happen and i should move on to newer things. For something that's over five years old i think it would be for the best.

Whilst I've been working on Bimbo I've also been working on a little game called Hooker Street. It's a relatively short game where your female protagonist starts out nearly naked and has to redress herself by hook or crook. I have the plot worked out, including four possible ending. I've started writing and putting the game together and thing looks good for release in the near future. Actually the hardest part was finding a suitable set of images to use. Luckly I've found something suitable:

And of cause the street is named after General Hooker (1814-1879), after all what else could it mean ;).

Tuesday 8 January 2013

I is One

This humble little blog has just past it's first birthday. Somehow I’ve managed to keep this blog going for an entire year!

Thank you to everyone who’s taken the time to read my little rambling, and especially to those who bothered to post. But if you did or not I still love you all.

My key word for 2013 is endings. No don’t panic I’m not going to stop doing this, sorry about that, no I’m aware that I’ve a bad habit of not finishing anything (except The Doll and the contest games, but they don’t count).

No from now on in I’m going to start my games with a beginning and an end, and then fill all the bit in between. It’s fairly obvious that the start at the beginning and work my way through just isn’t working for me.

Bimbo however is going to get a full makeover. My plan is to create the game in three parts, the case, the curse and the bimboficaion. As promised they will work to an end, though I’m leaving out the final ends for when join the three parts together. And I’m not just taking thing apart and putting them together again, this will include all new content.

The plan is to release the three parts here for those interested, and maybe beta’ing over at TF, for those who are interested. Be warned though they won’t be quite like the original, for a start the who time limit won’t be active in the first two games, so those who want to enjoy the whole thing may want to wait for the finish product.

If everything goes to plan I should be able to present something around the end of February.