Monday 18 February 2019


I have a couple of weeks off so I’d thought I’d try something a little different just for you all! Baring weekend, because I need a little me time off, I’m going to be working on three different games, an old game, a conversion of an old game (borrowed) and a new game (blue to fit the theme).

The idea is that as I go I’ll also be sharing thoughts on the process on my Discord channel as I go along, through a special account for the process. Why a new one rather than my normal one? Well to reduce distractions to allow me to focus on the task at hand. It’s not quite a stream, I’m not sure how much I’ll share, but I thought it’d be something interesting to share.

If this is something you’d find interesting it’ll be on my Discord channel, I’m not going to limit or charge but if you do enjoy my stuff consider backing my Patreon or Subscribe Star.

Tuesday 11 December 2018

What can I do for you?

So I return to ask the important question, did you miss me?

But importantly what do you want from this site? Is it just my games, those that still remember them, or do my babblings interest you?

And this blog is almost six years down, so I don't plan on giving it completely.

Wednesday 30 May 2018

The Doll 0.9 Release

Here's the graphics update of The Doll available to all, as I might have mentioned it all just new prettier graphics to summarize:

  • New pictures for all locations, including one new location.
  • All major NPCs.
  • Characters pictures, including two new ones

Whilst the new location and transformation are included no extra story has been added yet.

The Doll 0.9

Monday 28 May 2018

Update on the Doll 0.9

For those that can't wait, or just those who wish to support me, my lovely Patreons (though I love you all equally) have access to update. This one is just graphics upgrades but there is an extra location that will become important later.

If you're willing to wait the game link will be posted here in about 3-4 days.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

What Again!

I know, I know nothing for almost a year and then a bunch of post in a row! I think I'm just happy to have my mojo back after all that time, and hopefully, it'll keep up but probably with a few fewer posts per week! :D

In case you missed it I'm working on a Redux version of the Doll and the plan is to release it to Patreon before everyone else at TFGames, but I also want to say a little thanks for those of you that follow my blog so I'm also going to start releasing it here as well probably a good 24 hours before everyone else get's their mitts on it.

If this goes well that will be the way I release everything going forwards. And it doesn't need to be said but everything I make will always be free for everyone, I'm never going to keep anything as an exclusive to anyone.