Tuesday, 8 January 2013

I is One

This humble little blog has just past it's first birthday. Somehow I’ve managed to keep this blog going for an entire year!

Thank you to everyone who’s taken the time to read my little rambling, and especially to those who bothered to post. But if you did or not I still love you all.

My key word for 2013 is endings. No don’t panic I’m not going to stop doing this, sorry about that, no I’m aware that I’ve a bad habit of not finishing anything (except The Doll and the contest games, but they don’t count).

No from now on in I’m going to start my games with a beginning and an end, and then fill all the bit in between. It’s fairly obvious that the start at the beginning and work my way through just isn’t working for me.

Bimbo however is going to get a full makeover. My plan is to create the game in three parts, the case, the curse and the bimboficaion. As promised they will work to an end, though I’m leaving out the final ends for when join the three parts together. And I’m not just taking thing apart and putting them together again, this will include all new content.

The plan is to release the three parts here for those interested, and maybe beta’ing over at TF, for those who are interested. Be warned though they won’t be quite like the original, for a start the who time limit won’t be active in the first two games, so those who want to enjoy the whole thing may want to wait for the finish product.

If everything goes to plan I should be able to present something around the end of February.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Still Rockin'

Just a little post to say I'm still here and I'm still working on stuff, just very, very slowly.

I won't say any more till I've actually got something, but thank's everyone for your patience.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Embarrassment of riches

I think my brain has two moods, all or nothing.

On the good side I’ve been doing a little work on Tiresias, with most of the image worked out.

But I’ve also been looking over my old games and I’m tempted to throw together a games around the Seven Deadly Sins. I was thinking maybe something looking like this.

The idea I'm thinking of is that someone is transformed depending on how they react to a curse, which also determine the way to win/lose. With seven win and seven lose conditions that another game with multiple endings! 

I could maybe throw something together for the Halloween contest. After all someone has to win second place again…

Friday, 5 October 2012

If Paradise...

Well autumn is upon us, or fall if you prefer, and as expected my creativity has returned. And as promised new material! But there is one tiny problem, it well maybe this will provide a clue...

Yup it's a totally new game! For a change I can even point to what inspired me Beach Angels over on TF Games. Now don't get me wrong it's a fine game but it just doesn't have enough plot or story for me, so I decided to create a game based on the Holiday theme that does. I think it's a sign of a writer of any type that when they see something they think they could do differently, not necessarily better, they go out there and do it.

So just for my little blog followers here's the start of the game that includes the entire transformation sequence and most of the necessary description around all the items and locations. I even have the whole game plotted out, all those decision you make will have an effect on the second part of the game. But for now I'm putting the game to one side, why you ask? Well because I promised I'd work on finishing Tiresias, twisted logic I know but that's just how me little brain works.

I'd love any comments and feedback on Fallin', the plan is to post it up on TF in week or two, once I work out any bugs or typos.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Rated T?

Time for Plan B! Things are settling down and I’m starting to get the creative urge again. But that a bit of a problem as UTBG is all crunch. So I’m going to pick up game number two and start writing for that, whilst hopefully wadding my way through the “coding” needed for UTBG.

Now there is a problem with Tiresias (the second most voted game if you didn't realize), and that with tone. Being set in a High School I’m tempted to keep things on a Teen setting. So a little nudity and a little sexiness, but anything too graphic kept to the imagination. But then again I’ve kept things vague enough that I could go the whole way and throw the character full in, which would fit into the whole curse and falling from grace.

So what would be the point of having this little corner of the internet if I couldn’t ask you all what you would prefer?

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Sun is shining...

...Nandi is tired :(

We've been having a burst of nice weather the last few weeks, which tend to really screw up my sleep patterns :(. And that means poor tired Nandi has no energy to do no creative writing or programimng. I have made a tiny bit of work on UTBG, but not enough really to boast about.

Don't worry the weather will turn nasty again and I'll be able to find the energy to do more work soon.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Modest Nandi

I am at heart a modest game creator. I have a minor talent to put together these little games, but I don’t think I do anything that anyone else couldn’t succeed with if they had the time or effort. I do not think I have the writing and defiantly not the graphic abilities to produce a really excellent game. Now I’m not above having my ego stroked, I don’t think that anyone doesn’t want good thing to be said about their stuff, it’s just I’ve always had modest aims for my games and my blogs.

So I’m quite happy to only have four followers and a modest number of visitors to this little corner to the web. I’ve also had one nice person donate to me, who I choose to believe was THE Decker, and now Amazeroth has very kindly draw me a piece of fan art which I love and will now use everywhere. It helps a little that I’ve let everyone down by not actually finishing anything; I don’t think I’m worth the praise until I produce a finish product.

There is one advantage of being overshadowed by greater talents; I’ve never yet been given overly negative comments. Now don’t get me wrong criticism isn’t bad, and a well constructive criticism of something can be useful. It sometime more useful to have someone tell you what they think isn’t working in something than a generic what a “great job” message. I’ve always encouraged people to tell me what they thought of my stuff including the negatives, suggestions and bug fixes / typo seem to drive me to carry on working on my games. Actually anything that reminds me of a game will generally have the desired results anyhow. I’ve known of at least one game that been bought to a halt, and possibly killed for good, by negative comments of this game isn’t what I wanted and I think it suck now.

But don’t worry whilst my energy to write might wax and wane it’ll take a lot to make me stop doing this completely.

This is a massive distraction from the fact that I’ve done almost nothing on Bimbo. It’s mostly because the next bit is a fiddly bit of code that isn’t difficult but just involves lots of time and effort. It’ amazing the thin that you’ll find to distract you when stuff like this show up. But I’ve just renewed my RAGS license and I’m going to be diving into the guts of the code anytime soon. And hopefully it won’t take a whole month before I post anything her either.